Know what are the limits of Instagram

You get to see a lot of limitations in Instagram, all these limitations should be known by an Instagram Influencer and a Senior Instagram User.

Instagram Caption Character Limit

Caption Character Limit is 2,200 Character if we look at it in Word then it will be 400 Words. Whether the caption is short or long, it does not matter much, if you can understand your post even in short characters, then that short post will also work well for you. But if you are writing Long Form Instagram Post, then you should take a look at the tips given below.

  • Do not allow the content to exceed 400 words. Break your content into short paragraphs or points.
  • If your post is of 400 words, then only one image will not work, you will have to use at least 4 images. An Image on Per 100/words Post.
  • For hashtags, use keywords that explain your content. With this, your post can reach those people who need them.
  • If you want to target your post to a specific location, then you must use Geotag.
  • If you create an Instagram post for a blog post, then you must put the URL of your post there so that people can read your post by searching those URLs. Never post Direct URL, use Bitly or any other Link Shortener and make your URL short.

Instagram Hashtags Limits

The use of hashtags is very important, because with the help of this we Instagram categorize your posts.

Although you get to use 30 Hashtags but you use only 20. If I tell my point, I use only 5-6 hashtags. Use only those keywords in your Hashtags that Belong to your Content.

It is not necessary that every time you use the same hashtags, if you want, you can create Unique Hashtags by yourself.

Tag Limits in Instagram

You can tag only 20 people on one post, you cannot tag more people than that.

Limit of Likes in Instagram

Do you know, in Instagram you can like a post only 350 times every hour.

Per Post Photo Limit in Instagram

You can use only 10 images in Per Post. You cannot use more image than this.

Follow / Unfollow how many times in an hour?

You can follow or unfollow 160 people in an hour. This is a fixed amount which is fixed by Instagram.

Instagram Live Time Limit?

You can go live on Instagram continuously for an hour. If you do Exceed more than this, then your Live Video will end automatically.

What is the Bio Limit of Instagram?

You can write 150 characters in the bio of Instagram, along with that you can also use emoji, website or blog link and hashtags in it.

What is the Instagram Per Day Post limit?

You can do 100 posts daily, if you want to do so many posts daily, then you can use platforms like Scheduled My Instagram Posts.

Instagram Account Image Policy Violation

You cannot upload Nudity or Vulgar Images to Instagram. You cannot spread Terrorism, or Hate through your post. Doing so can get you banned from Instagram.

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